
TDG, Inc. Objectives

1.  Build on the unique power & impact the Leadership Learning Forum Process has had, [i.e., “Forum Magic” ] over 30 plus years, and on thousands [perhaps 10 K] of individuals, often in  groups, who attended and/or work together. This impact is strongly remembered and can easily be re-energized.

2. Provide an affordable and convenient executive counsel process for senior individual leaders in this Forum graduate community.

3. Reflect the prevalent business organizational focus today on less travel, & less time away from each person’s job and home.

4. Continue my virtual/electronic engagement, without my personal travel, in client self-sustaining  internal Forums

5.  Provide a highly personalized, intense introduction for select newcomers to the Forum process, and  its deep value & potential, separate from Forum attendance

6.  Update and make available to approved Forum graduates, all TDG, Inc. materials via this website.

7.  Provide an option for Forum graduates, to follow on via mentoring sessions, with me via phone, email, virtual or  individually set meetings. These options along with access to all my material on the website,  mean that participation can be for much more that’s useful to the evolving future, than  the original Forum sessions might have been

8. Integrate TDG, Inc. activities, in a balanced way, in the fullness of this 7th phase of my career.


Richard E. Dooley


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