May 28

Memorial day weekend provided three long wonderful “Spring” like times for pondering/planning this 7th phase of my life , referenced below. It is in fact different. I’ve been documenting how/why, as I ease into my 86th year….Some generalities are listed below……..It’s not a binary sort, as so many things are/were in Information Services. Genuine leadership includes continually searching for, and identifying the appropriate “Tip” point in each situation or issue. Hopefully many are/will be explored on these pages. You’re welcome to join in as you see value for you

May 08

We shut down TDG Inc., as of 12/31/18 [a major change…much more than just an accounting shift!!]. Then traveled for an extended period to explore the option of Retirement…..relaxing…no contracts, nor retainer relationships. Then back focused in on life here on Cape Cod, as a Sole Proprietor, with all its ramifications… a new job, from my past life?!?

A work in progress. And a set of changes to this website reflecting that shift. As I move into my 86th year, believing more now, deeply in a different mantra:

more moving towards less

now moving towards deliberate

all moving towards choices

fast moving towards paced

intense moving towards balanced

My way moving towards include others

Hopefully it will show…………………..

May 02

Over three months, during which time the site was hacked and unavailable. It’s back up now…will be changed…some material moved elsewhere, but all else continued as I move on past my 85th birthday [May 7th], into this the 7th phase of my life…the best and last phase?!?!?

My your days be blessed too. Your comments and connection are always welcome

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