Nov 17

Christmas decor, lots of adds, announcements, sales, trips, all seem to be covering any mention, or common awareness of the next holiday to celebrate. Some Halloween decor is still up. Of course that just past evening has gotten bigger, comparatively, to me. in more recent years. Candy and costumes for children, plus adults now going to parties, etc. make for more $ sales to seek. Thanksgiving has less $/focus opportunities, except for getting turkeys, or family/communal meals. Even here in New England where the celebration was largely centered originally. Shopping habits or trends, during the weeks of December, a month time period, are already laced throughout the press. What happened to highlighting Thanks giving? Or more importantly observing its meaning?

Even with retail shop actions, and surely in some some homes with very early Christmas decor, we all have reason to be thankful….and to remember the opportunity………despite the much less seasonality in comparison

Nov 12
Nov 04

That’s a “Chicago area” term, I think. That part of the fall was really, in my mind, the best season, of many years there. We’ve had here now on Cape Cod, during September , October and several days so far in November, the same beauty, sunshine, & warmth. But a bit cooler. And now with daylight saving “fall back” over [ why do we all still do that old adjustment?!?!?], darkness earlier in the afternoon. Winter waits..hopefully with it’s own separate beauties!! Enjoy together……….

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