My Life

Dick Dooley      This is the 11th year of my last 25 years, that is, in the 4th  set of 25 years,  my 86th    year.  My plan and intense focus now, as articulated below, is to continue , each year even more completely!

1.- To live fully, healthily,  happily,  here on Cape Cod….and doing  personal leisure travel together with Barbara,  often local short  trips,  in the Northeastern States. Occasionally to a warm place in Winter!

2.- And to do Executive Counseling, within my family network ,and my professional organizational network, now in my own, a “sole proprietor”, in my 7th phase – “Organizing, Sharing, Anticipating the ‘Magic’ “, i.e., both giving back, and looking forward;

A-… By helping others learn how to do their own best form of Leadership Learning Forums, primarily internally in their organizations.  This is happening in a number of organizations now, self limited by my assessment of personal  balance with #1 above and #3 below, and either via a retainer mode, over a period of many months, or up-front fee.

B-…By formulating a process for Forum alumni, to continue growing, learning, changing on the way to their own personal and professional goals, individually architect-ed, called ALLN [see ” TDG Products/Processes” above]

C-…By continuing to generate material and techniques, and post, available to all with approved access via my website for both current emerging Leaders, and those included in specific programs individually designed for future emerging leaders.

3.-To expand my ability to combine artistically, Hai Ku, calligraphy,  Inukshuk sculptures, and fast sketching, and by using this combined  focus to help integrate more creatively, and more currently, all my past TDG work, within  my professional & personal  networks of communication now, plus all my own personal growth activities.

I’ll share this growth & learning experience  as it unfolds, via comments on the opening page of this  website.


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