Jan 02

It’s sometimes easy to conclude that our overall news  sources/outlets, and the many audiences affected, disproportionately absorb or get focused on negative news. We all may be part of this tendency @ times. I believe, allowing that tendency to dis-balance”too much”, is detrimental to our potential of creativity, forward progress, and individual /group fulfillment. The current pace of change, especially based on technologies now available,  or expanding in front of us,  does seem overwhelming  in its possibilities. Like fire or water…..very powerfully   capable of surpassing our ability to control or harness. We might choose fear,  ignorance or in-action………..or move into realization, preparedness,  & collaboration. Yes, I believe that choice is harder work

I believe it was Peter Drucker who said…”The best way to deal with the future is to create it yourself”. On this site, and in our remaining life,  we will tend to do that, understanding both positive and negative, and applying ourselves , our counsel, throughout our full network of connections, as best we can!!

More to come………

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