Oct 25

The colors are quite attractive here…. no need to travel much north for “leaf peeping”. Fall was/is my favorite season. If you press it too much, the message becomes a less enjoyable activity, from enjoying, to preparing cold/ice ,perhaps of coming months. Well… why let it turn to anything that might be negative……Isn’t it within our power to face each change with chosen happiness, rather than any worried anxiety. Here on the Cape, Winter is hardly ever as burdensome as it was in Chicago

Why not enjoy both….????. Check this blog stream in a few months to get my perspective then!!!

Sep 29

I have been reviewing mu own individual development plan………..incorporating a good deal from Garry Kasparov’s’ book [ referenced below]. Many lessons . Am reading it for the third time… more slowly….meditatively……..Very useful…. [ for years I assumed my speed allowed me to skim/summarize simultaneously…… of course now in hindsight,,,, missing a lot!……….it turns out.

I need, first to develop a great deal more patience and humility…even first. What Garry must have used, to get to be world chess champ @ 22! Normal business requires both now , I believe, not just chess. Though that’s a start!! My creeping progress on this quest is reflected in the “Blogs” recorded below, independently over the last 1/2 year. With more to come………here….throughout the 7th phase of my Life!

Sep 12

Expressed in numbers = 15%, 35%, 25%, 25%. Age has it’s own pace….useless to try to change it…………. simply be aware, Especially of others’ feelings, i.e. empathy. Garry’s recent book “Deep Thinking” leads into spirituality. Both, I believe, are more important than I ever practiced or was aware of, in my younger days. However I’m happy to have focused via these ratios now!!

Sep 11

In forethinking my next birthday, 5/7/2022, [my 88th], I am clear that I’ve aged a bit physically this last year or so……… Perhaps some mentally…..just not openly aware of it……….. Surely seems quite good…feels like I have more wisdom, and experience to call upon. Which is fulfilling. Perhaps more than ever before! Will it morph on to Spiritual? And Social? , I’ve decided to work on maintaining all four……..for sure capitalizing on my current mental, and possible Spiritual growth, the last of which has been somewhat passed over in importance. Am re-reading Garry Kasparov’s book,[paperback ISBN 978-1-473-65351-1] more carefully, to facilitate this goal .And expect to blog more about that, here, as part of my website.

Sep 10

As you likely know, Garry Kasparov was the World Champion Chess Player, @ age 22. and accepted a challenge match from a design team @ IBM. He won decisively and of course was challenged again, with a suitable pause for press coverage and design refocus. Gary’s book published in 2017,gives a fascinating review of the two matches, He lost the second, which turned to be all that many people remembered ?!?!!!! …… and he makes the forever point that the game isn’t “Man Versus Machine” but will be, always was, “Man With Machine”………!!! That’s a part of all our futures!!!

Sep 05

I’m paying attention more recently, to reviewing my entire website.

So it reflects my latest perspectives, @ this stage of my life……….influenced in part by Garry Kasparov’s book “Deep Thinking”, in which he covers his two chess matches, as the World Champion versus IBM’s computer program, generated by many over time

Lessons for us all, I believe, for the future of our lives….certainly for mine, in it’s 7th phase.. the last and best which is in part referenced, in recent blogs here

Aug 26

I’ve begun to review my entire website. Mostly it just grew, over the years, however was needed…… no real plan, nor strategy. Why not? I always believed I was a planner of the best kind, for myself….and family. But….a long term view now clearly suggests I have been focused on current “working” needs/ opportunities…of traditional sorts. Understandable.

I’ll begin my 88th year on my 5/7/2021 birthday. Perhaps time to focus much more extensively an a specific counseling version….sharing my experience and wisdom as useful to younger clients. Actually that has been happening from just before the beginning of CD-19, c.18 months ago. For sometime I have been less “transaction oriented”…… sharing a dialogue of “deeper thinking”, which is more needed, and very much less available in a fully trusted mode to most executive leaders. It’s exactly what I provide…….. And………what shapes the remining time of my business organization focus these next several years

So as I age it seems, some of the characteristics of time and aging, often overlap. Not always, but often enough to warrant expression here on this site

Apr 01

April 1st suggests it strongly…. well…both ways no doubt. But some how this year, a real spring is much on my mind. Perhaps really seeking “Hope”, which isn’t in the news much?!??!

So just generate it.. LIVE IT….why not?… it will happen anyways…AND is needed!!

Feb 23

I believed I did this a lot. It’s clear now, not enough nor with enough discipline. Luckily there is a fair amount written already. I will generate blogs on this website with perspectives I find provocative

Jan 27

Many have found it useful. More productive. Perhaps not full time. Likely may take some arranging or agreements with others. Does take some set up. And takes some “mind” adjustment also. Not easy for everyone Not a simple decision….but very worthwhile, when all is considered. I’ve been doing it for years. Will never go back to the context I first learned. “Net-net” my life is very much more productive, enjoyable, focused………with benefits to many others besides me!!

Sep 24

Using a form developed @ Loma Linda University Health, for their own staff, as a model, I’ve generated an approach to gathering, in one organized place, all the ideas/promises/dreams I made to myself, over the years. Huge. Surprisingly valuable so far! Provoked me into several other, needed perspectives….Likely almost daily………..@ least for a while

Three checkpoints; 10/12/’20….11/26/’20 and 12/25/’20. We’ll see……….more to come later

Sep 12

Coronavirus may have been moved aside, or be on “a shelf”, for some of us in our ongoing attention span, but it’s surely not gone and has produced an angst about our near future. Maybe that was always there….not as demanding, nor as widely spread as today. Seems to be there for me, for most all of my still huge network. The repetitive response seems to be …..wait…ponder….watch…read…listen …. wonder…….substituting those six perspectives [ like below] for as much as possible, of the ongoing “angst”. Check back in a few weeks for any shift, @ least in my opinion.

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